
Saturday, May 25, 2013

What to Expect

It's only a little hilarious that I have titled our first blog "What to Expect" because quite frankly, I don't even know "what to expect" from our lives these days.

Zac and I were married on June 23, 2012. Almost one year ago (YAY!!).

Any newly married couple will tell you, the moment you get engaged you are bombarded with the questions. "What are your plans?" "Where will you live?" "When will you start a family?" I've always found it funny that people ask you this when you first get married. We were 22 and 23 years old when we got married, so how on earth could we possibly know what God had in the works for us. Sure, we had talked about plans and dreams and goals, but we both new that our God was incredible at changing plans, hearts, and dreams.  I think we entered our marriage practically anticipating it.

When we got married, our plans were very simple. Like every newly married couple, we had dreams of adventures to take together, dream careers, dream locations to live, and general plans. Our plan was to commit to one year in Nashville, TN and live it up. And live it up, we did! We went to a different restaurant every week for date night. We went on double dates with friends. We rock climbed. We ran our first 5K. We joined a church together and dove into a community group. We had good jobs that kept us stable. However, I think Zac will agree with me when I say that we both went into this first year of marriage with our hands open before the Lord and asking, "What next?" We knew in our hearts that as much as we both love Nashville, God had something cooking and it was only a matter of time before He asked us to leave it.

It didn't take long before opportunities came to us. As early as September or October, we started looking at opportunities to move overseas for missions. We really weren't searching for these opportunities, they literally dropped into our lap. However, each time, we would pray about it and we just didn't feel the peace of God on the offer. So we continued to pray.

At the end of 2012, we were approached by a very dear friend named Keelan about a ministry he would be starting in Washington D.C. working with the African population there. At the time, the ministry was in the very early stages and simply a vision with some preliminary plans from our friend. Zac and I heard him out and started talking about what God was doing there. It had peaked our attention. Even as we talked about it on a camping trip, I told Zac, "I literally have nothing but PEACE about that ministry. God is up to something here."  So we continued to pray.

In March of 2013, I was at my best friend's bridal shower in Ohio and I received a phone call from Zac.

"Amanda, I know you're busy but I desperately need you to check your email."

"Zac, I'm busy! We're stuffing invitations! I'm here for Holly!!"

"But this is about D.C."

I checked my email.

Keelan had emailed us and offered us two postions on a team that was starting JUNE 2013 in Washington D.C. He wanted us to pray about it and he needed to know in about a week if we were interested. The job would be living in a house in Washington D.C. and helping the local churches plant international churches among the thousands of internationals in the D.C. area. 

With hearts racing, Zac and I talked out the logistics of this decision and what it would mean for us over a skype for 2 hours. At the end of those 2 hours, I think we both knew exactly what we needed to do. We agreed to join the team.

Therefore, on June 3rd, Zac and I will pulling out of Nashville TN with a big moving truck and moving to Washington D.C. which is literally the last place that either of us would have anticipated living one year ago. But as I said before, our God changes plans, hearts, and dreams. So, now THIS is our heart and dream. We desire to be a part of leading people God has brought to America to His throne. We desire to be His hands and feet to the nations, in our nation. Ironic? Yes! But our God is full of irony and humor. It's part of the reason that I love Him.

In conclusion, this is our blog. This is our story. Follow us as we work, fight, and pray that God uses us for His glory among the nations. Please join us in prayer. We commit to keep this as updated as possible with stories of what God is doing and to be as honest as we can be about what He is teaching us. We have an incredible family and "family" that we know will commit to praying for us.
Thank you in advance for that.

We love you more than we can say.



  1. I love it, I love it, I LOVE it! All of it - your writing style, the things you're writing about, and of course your shout-out to me ;-) I'm so excited for you and Zac! I can't wait to hear and experience how the next chapter of your life unfolds. Love you!

  2. Amanda, I'm so excited for ya'll!! Keelan is a member of our church family at Imago Dei, and we are so excited about this opportunity. I had no idea you guys would be involved with it too!! That's awesome, and we hope to see ya'll at some point :) Miss you girl! (This is Jessica, btw :))
