
Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Hey Everyone!
        It's been a busy last week so I'm finally getting a moment to sit down and update this site. I think we can finally say with some confidence that we are "settled" into D.C. Zac and I are finally not making many mistakes on the metro and know our way around D.C. enough that we blend in pretty well. THANK GOD!
     To be honest, I had no idea that moving here would have so many random challenges. Feeling like we have a grip on these things really helps us feel more at home. Thank you for your prayers about this.

     Last week, we had our first team from Alabama. They were a team of high school teenagers with a few volunteers. Because it was our first team, I was a little nervous. What if I led these kids somewhere wrong? What if I lost one?! What if they totally missed the point and didn't help us much? What if they hated it and didn't get anything out of their mission trip? Luckily, NONE of those fears came true and they did GREAT. Almost all of the students shared the gospel at least once with an International person and one students led a man from El Salvador to Christ. PRAISE GOD! These students came into our world with little knowledge about D.C. or what our ministry did, and still rocked it. They were living proof to me last week that with a heart open to obedience and hands open to serve, our God is faithful to use us. After two days of working with them, I was just so proud of them!

Obedience is something that the Lord has been teaching me lately.

 I can't speak for Zac, but I imagine that he has been learning it too. Working this job can come with some odd pressures. For me at least, there's this feeling that there are lots of people counting on us to produce results. These results could be gaining research data, leading a team phenomenally, leading a certain number of people to Christ, etc. etc. Not to say that goals are bad, because I am a very goal oriented person and I think it's healthy to have a certain amount of goals. I'd be lost without goals!  However, the students last week reminded me of something different.

When Christ left the Earth, he didn't give his disciples a number to obtain or region to be reached or even a certain number of verses to memorize. His last command simply asked them to be obedient to tell others about Him. We hear the Great Commission so often, but as a church, sometimes we forget the importance of it. We think it's something that missionaries do in foreign lands. We think it's something that pastors do. We think that God wouldn't ask us to do something that uncomfortable so we "live out our faith in actions" by just being a super nice and serving person but never speak the name of  "Jesus." 

Last week, the Lord just kept bringing to mind that I am not responsible for someone's response to the Gospel. I'm only responsible for telling it. When we don't, we are disobeying Him.

So much easier typed than done. Let me promise you that. However, I'm working on it and praying that the Lord would grow me in my boldness and faith. Join me? 

Just wanted to share what I'm learning! :)

We have smaller groups coming in the next couple weeks, but the week of July 4th we have a really big group coming. I'm particularly excited about this one because its a group that includes my sisters. :) My heart is ready to see them and serve alongside them.

Please pray that God continues to help us make connections so that we can have Gospel conversations with the people we encounter.

Please pray that He continues to strengthen and guide us as we make decisions each day on what neighborhoods to work in.

Finally, pray for the teams that come to our home. Pray God would use them to lead people to Christ in a city that desperately needs it.

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